
Professional diagnositic tools mechanic

Ways to Troubleshoot a Chevy Trailblazer 1Determine the location of the OBD2 diagnostic port within your Trailblazer by referencing the owner's manual or by feeling around the location beneath the steering wheel, close to the prime of the driver's side foot effectively. The diagnostic port will be roughly two inches wide.2Plug the diagnostic code scanner into the diagnostic port.3Turn your Trailblazer's ignition to the accessories position, in case your engine will not start /a>, or turn it on all of the way if your engine will start, so that the electronics are turned on and also the engine is idling if attainable.4Allow the code scanning tool to perform a code scan and take note of any error codes which are displayed on the code scanning tool.5Bring your error codes to a Chevy dealership, auto parts store, mechanic , or perform a web search, to discover what the error codes represent. By discovering out what precise components are broken, it is possible to save time diagnosing the troubles and start the repair process sooner. Related articles:

