
Biolab signs an agreement with R-Biopharm AG

Biolab — the sole Biomnis dealer in the Kingdom — recently signed an agreement with R-Biopharm AG, Germany, a market leader in the field of scientific research and medicine.

The agreement was signed by Biolab CEO, Dr. Amid Abdelnoor and R-Biopharm AG CEO, Dr. Ralf Dreher. Through its terms and conditions , Biolab will be using R-Biopharm AG's "IMUPRO 100Plus" tests while also collaborating with R-Biopharm AG in joint ventures of scientific research.

"IMUPRO 100Plus" is an innovative blood test that can detect delayed food allergies. It proves effective for finding cures for digestive track complications, weight-gain, headaches, muscle pain, eating disorders, sleeping disorders, skin disease and other health problems.

Commenting on the agreement signed, Biolab CEO, Dr. Amid Abdel-Nour said "We are proud to be collaborating with a market leader like R-Biopharm AG as this agreement enables us to further fulfill our role as elevators of public health standards and sustainable health practices for members of our Jordanian community. We achieve this goal be promoting healthier practices for the individual and in turn healthier lifestyles."

He added, "We at Biolab are always keen on playing a key role in the development of the local health sector, a goal we work towards by introducing the latest field innovations, practices, and products to our clients. Our pioneering position in the market would not have been possible without our remarkable team of skilled members ensuring client satisfaction."

Significantly, Biolab is a pioneer in applying advances in medicine and science to laboratory testing. It provides a broad range of medical diagnostic services to individuals, physicians, hospitals and other laboratories including its signature "biomarital" and biofood300" tests . Leveraging on cutting-edge technology, high caliber staff and an extensive HMO and bank affiliate network, Biolab offers its patients an unparalleled premium experience, prioritizing reliability, and accountability. Through its branches located across Amman it offers convenience to its clients.

